Sunday, November 23, 2014

DONALD KALSCHED IN ST. LOUIS - February 13-15, 2015

The C. G. Jung Society of St. Louis will host Donald Kalsched, Ph.D., on February 13-15, 2015.  Dr.  Kalsched will present a full weekend focusing on the psychological effects of trauma in a lecture on Friday evening, February 13; a workshop on Saturday, February 14; and a colloquium for clinicians on Sunday, February 15. Details for this weekend of events will be available in the Society's Winter/Spring 2015 Newsletter.

Dr. Kalsched is a Clinical Psychologist and Jungian Psychoanalyst in private practice in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is the author of two important works on psychological trauma, its effects, and its treatment: The Inner World of Trauma and Trauma and the Soul.

Additional information will be available on the Society's website as well as the opportunity to register in late December.  The website address is: