The new issue of the St. Louis Jung Society Newsletter is out. To access it, go to The Society always offers interesting programs and study groups. This issue also contains information about the Society's play production, "Casting Shadows;" about the 2017 Writing Contest; and about the 2017 Jung in the Heartland Conference.
The Society has many videotapes of past programs available for purchase. That information is also available at The upcoming play will be filmed and available on DVD as will the major talks of the 2017 Conference by Lionel Corbett and Chelsea Wakefield.
The newsletter featured this quote, so fitting for our times:
“Just as the conscious mind can put out the question, ‘Why is there this frightful conflict between good and evil?’ so the unconscious mind can reply, ‘Look closer! Each needs the other. The best, just because it is the best, holds the seeds of evil, and there is nothing so bad but good can come of it.’”
C.G. Jung, from "The Relations between Ego and the Unconscious”