Tuesday, June 10, 2008

(no subject)



Here is Jung writing about the goal of the work, study, and analysis we do on our journeys:      


"This (referring to the work of alchemists) recalls the impressive opening sentence of Ignatius Loyola's 'Foundation':  'Man was created to praise, do reverence to, and serve God our Lord, and thereby to save his soul.'"  (Paragraph 252)


"Accordingly, if we divest the opening sentence of the 'Foundation' of its theological terminology, it would run as follows:  'Man's consciousness was created to the end that it may (1) recognize (laudet) its descent from a higher unity (Deum); (2) pay due and careful regard to this source (reverentiam exhibeat); (3) execute its commands intelligently and responsibly (serviat); and (4) thereby afford the psyche as a whole the optimum degree of life and development (salvet animam suam).'"  (Paragraph



We could rewrite this quote in gender-neutral language, but I think it captures the essence of what we are about when we engage in the work with psyche--in our dreams, fantasies, imagination, and daily work.



From:  AION, Vol. 9ii of Jung's Collected Works, page 165

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